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Training Standards Codes
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Regulation 84 of the Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Safe Manning) Regulations, 2021, (the Regulations) requires that SAMSA publishes the Training Standards Code (TSC – formerly the SAMSA Code). The TSC is required to cover all the training that is required in the Regulations and the Merchant Shipping Act, 1951, as amended.

During the transitional period, i.e. until 01 July 2022, the TSC will continue to be used alongside the SAMSA Code as SAMSA implements the various parts of the TSC. The process for implementing the TSC is set out in the QMS-OP-1004 - Approval of the Training Standards Code and includes stakeholder engagements through the Syllabus Committee.

The implementation of various standards in the TSC, once consensus reached through the Syllabus Committee, are formalised and published on the website. The training standards from various parts may be accessed below:

STCWFishingPort Operations
Part 1​

Deck OfficersImplementedOld SAMSA CodeOld SAMSA Code
Part 2Engineering OfficersImplementedOld SAMSA CodeOld SAMSA Code
Part 3RatingsImplementedOld SAMSA CodeOld SAMSA Code
Part 4Radio OperatorsImplementedOld SAMSA CodeOld SAMSA Code
Part 5Special ShipsImplementedOld SAMSA CodeOld SAMSA Code
Part 6Occupational Health, Safety and SecurityImplementedOld SAMSA CodeOld SAMSA Code
​Part 7Other trainingnil


During the period of Review, SAMSA will be required to keep the old format SAMSA Code available on its website until all the Standards are Reviewed in full. 
The SAMSA Code Matrix will only be amended Reviewed to the latest format when Phase 4 above, thus it will remain in the old format SAMSA Code page. 
​When a review of a standard has been completed and adopted by the Syllabus Committee, the old standard will be Removed and the Revised Standard published.

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