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Marine Related Information
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Marine Related Information
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Marine Notices
Marine Information Notice
Marine Alert
Marine Safety Flash


Marine Notices (MN):

Marine Notices will explain, and detail technical/statutory requirements linked to legislation.
Marine Notices shall be issued with a suffix as follows:


​Suffix ​Marine Notice Type

​for Marine Notices relating to Convention vessels
for Marine Notices relating to the Fishing vessels
for Marine Notices relating to Small vessels under the Merchant Shipping (National Small Vessel Safety) Regulations 2007
for Marine Notices relating to Port Operation vessels

A combination of suffixes may be used when a Marine Notice applies to two or more types of vessels, e.g., MN 01-21  (C+F) or MN 02-21 (F+S+P) or MN 03-21 (C+F+S+P)

Marine Notices will be annually and consecutively numbered. Marine Notices will be valid for 5 years but may be withdrawn earlier if changes to information contained therein is required or the information provided is no longer applicable.

Marine Information Notice (MIN):
A Marine Information Notice shall contain information which are temporary in nature. Marine Information Notice’s (MIN’s) will also be issued to advise industry of regulatory changes that will come into force in the near future (e.g. change in telephone numbers, COVID 19 related, suspension of level 3 examinations, office closures, forth coming amendments to regulations, etc.).

Marine Information Notice’s will be annually and consecutively numbered, e.g. MIN 01-21 A Marine Information Notice will be valid for a period of one year or may be withdrawn earlier if changes to information are required or the information provided is no longer applicable. If The information in the Marine Information Notice is still valid at the end of the expiry date a new MIN will be issued replacing the current Marine Information Notice.

Marine Alert (MA):
A Marine Alert shall contain information of lessons learned arising from investigations into incidents or casualties.

A marine incident means an event, or sequence of events, other than a marine casualty, which has occurred directly in connection with the operations of a ship that endangered, or, if not corrected, would endanger the safety of the ship, its occupants or any other person or the environment or a marine casualty means which is an event, or a sequence of events, that has resulted in injury/loss of life/damage or loss of a ship or damage to the environment or a very serious marine casualty which involves the total loss of the ship or a death or severe damage to the environment

Marine Alert’s will be numbered annually and numerically consecutive, e.g. MA 01-21.

A Marine Alert will have no expiry date but may be withdrawn earlier if, revisions to lessons learnt are required  due to amendments to legislation or emergence of new technology or similar occurrence in another incident which requires a review.

Marine Safety Flash (MSF):
A Marine Safety Flash shall be published when reliable information is received regarding failures to equipment, interferences from sources causing failure of other important equipment etc.
Marine Safety Flash’s will be numbered annually and numerically consecutive, e.g. MSF 01-21.

A Marine Safety Flash shall be valid until revoked or legislation is amended to address the contents of the MSF.

Click here to view list of valid Marine Notice
Click here to view list of valid Marine Information Notice
Click here to view list of valid Marine Alert
Click here to view list of valid Marine Safety Flash

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